@ applEE - SL-RTeam
Investigação | Research Biodiversidade Funcional de Solos Soil Functional Biodiversity Químicos Emergentes Emergent Chemicals Ecotoxicidade e distribuição de Nanopartículas no ambiente Ecotoxicity and fate of Nanoparticles in the environment Ecotoxicidade de Misturas Mixture Ecotoxicity Efeitos combinados de stressores Combined Effects of stressors Toxicologia Ambiental Environmental Toxicology nETWORKS
SETAC Europe Council meeting- Oct 2018, Brussels, Belgium.WaterWorks workshop: WaterJPI | FACCE
Como IR | As PI @UAVR NETA- New Strategies for Waste Water Treatment See more CHRONIC- Chronic exposure scenarios driving environmental risks of chemicals See more NanoHarmony- Towards harmonized test methods for nanomaterials. Ver mais VitroTox - Linking in vitro to in vivo toxicity of pharmaceuticals: An integrative approach See more Como Investigadora | As Researcher @UAVR NANOGREEN - Towards a new generation of sustainable nano-based additives for maritime anti-corrosion smart coatings: a multidisciplinary framework within the Atlantic See more rWILD-COA-Ecological challenges and opportunities of trophic rewilding in Côa Valle See more AMBIEnCE - Impact of atmospheric multi-stressors to coastal marine systems in a changing climate scenario See more AgriTarget - Development and testing of multifunctional carriers based on micro- and nano-scale engineering for targeted, controlled, and safe delivery of agrochemicals to crops See more SMARTAQUA - Development of SMART nanostructured layers for sensing corrosion in AQUAtic structures Ver mais EMPHASIS - Effects of marine pharmaceuticals in Zebrafish and ZFL cell line Ver mais ECOCENE- Ecological Effects of Nanopesticides to Soil Ecosystems Ver mais METOXCLIM - Metal contamination in a global warming perspective: effects on soil properties and relation with toxicity changes Ver mais pROJETOS dE iNVESTIGAÇÃO cONCLUÍDOS | cONCLUDED rESEARCH pROJECTS NanoFARM- Fate and Effects of Agriculturally Relevant Materials [see details] https://research.ce.cmu.edu/nanofarm/ NanoFASE- Nanomaterial FAte and Speciation in the Environment [see details] http://www.nanofase.eu/ WE-NEED - WatEr NEEDs, Availability, Quality and Sustainability [see details] http://www.we-need.polimi.it/ MICROCLIM - Effects of global warming on microbial populations from contaminated agricultural soils in the area of Estarreja Ver mais GLOBALTOX – Toxicity of anthropogenic multi-stressed soils under a global warming perspective [see details] Exposure and bioaccumulation assessment of novel anti-fouling nanomaterials in marine organisms from temperate and tropical waters Ver mais Arsenic levels in the placental-fetal unit: a case study in parturient from Aveiro district [see details] FENOMENO–Fate and effect of wastewater-borne manufactured nanomaterials in aquatic ecosystems [see details] http://www.fenomeno-nano.de/ Arsenic levels in the placental-fetal unit: a case study in parturient from Aveiro district [see details] Toxicity responses of molluscs to nanomaterials: the environmental impact from nanotechnology [see details] - coordenadora | coordinator FUTRICA- Chemical Flow in an Aquatic TRophic Chain [see details] - coordenadora | coordinator CLIMAFUN-CLImate Changes and Potencial Impact on Soil FUNctional Ecology [see details] - coordenadora | coordinator NanoFATE- Nanoparticle Fate Assessment and Toxicity in the Environment [see details] - coordenadora portuguesa, WP leader | portuguese coordinator, WP leader PORTONOVO- Water Quality in Harbours. / 2009-1/119 [see details] - coordenadora | coordinator AGROMIX- Mixture Toxicity evaluation in agricultural soils [see details] - coordenadora | coordinator NOMIRACLE- Novel Methods for Integrated Risk Assessment of Cumulative Stressors in the Environment [see details] - vice-coordenadora UAVR | coordinator deputy UAVR |